Wednesday, August 06, 2008

I can't sleep...

There are too many things that go bump in the night.


Juan Carlos Solon said...

wait wait lemme get this straight...

YOUR HELLBOY??????? (if you havent watched the movie I feel stupid now)

is that charcoal in the 1st sketch??? STONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Irma said...

Holy Jesus mother the first and last are especially gorgeous.

I've got such a weak spot for high contrast, haha.

Nimit Malavia said...

hahah thanks guys!

Juan- LOOLZZ on the hellboy comment, (the prince from the HB2 = my idol!)...and it's done in ballpoint

and Irma- I hope you don't kiss your mother with that mouth!!

Lettie Lo said...

the kiss is very cute ; O nic drwaings!

Greg Dubeau said...

You are a BAMF!


The kiss is sooooooo good, Nimit. I can see you taking it somewhere amazing, with the way the emotions roiling between them and blazing out of his head contrast with that perfect first-kiss suspended moment.

Anonymous said...
