Monday, January 11, 2010

The waiting game

I kind of went on a bit of a 'animation/film' spree last night, while I was waiting for washes to dry. I thought I'd share some of the the ones that caught my eye. You might have seen some of these already, but hopefully you find most of them as fresh as I did.

Bologna from Jeremy Asher Lynch on Vimeo.

Here's a cool personal project my friend Jeremy is working on.

snow in new york today from Justin Ouellette on Vimeo.

Portishead - Chase The Tear from Mintonfilm on Vimeo.

parkour motion reel from saggyarmpit on Vimeo.

Trichrome Blue from Lois van Baarle on Vimeo.

It was funny stumbling onto this animation, I remember seeing her digital paintings back in highschool, and I was pretty inspired by them at the time. It's pretty cool to see where the work has gone since then.

Happy Monday everybody....oh and Happy Birthday Juan!!

1 comment:

Ryan MacDonald said...

Trichrome Blue is definitely my favorite. love the style of it.