what a glorious time of year, eh folks. (see that ...im canadian *raises eyebrows vigorously*) Hope every one had a Merry Christmas (...err...or Hanukkah/Kwanzaa/Festivus, what ever tickles your fancy) , i know i sure did, got to stuff my face, hangout with my familia, open a box full of dvd's my parents said they didnt buy us (LIARS!!!), and cover my home with a thick, juicy coating of ATMOSPHERE, holiday atmosphere that is.O mercy, what fun we had.o btw, the new digs (as indicated by the arrows) are courtesy of my good pal Jon Wang, (whose blog....along with many others of his and ...others, are/is located in the fancy new tabs), he told me my blog looked lame, and i told him...O YEA!....i betchu couldnt make a better one >:P! and about 15 minutes later...(well more like 15 minutes after i sent him the scans of the peice in the banner and the back) a better blog was born. oo yea, im supposed to say something like he tweaked with geckoandfly's template, or something. anyways, thanks a bunch JONWANG :D!! (PS, its pronounced Jon Wang, like John Wayne, but wang....see what i did there) <--------^-------->
anyways enough of my blabbing, ill leave u with a video of whats to come and a picture of my o so adorable cousin, the young one who dances like a fiend and can pick up ANY female within visual range. I place a picture, because he is essentially what i aspire to be.