Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Announcement Service Public

Summer has come and gone and what a whirlwind 'aventure' it was (yes ladies and gentlemen, thats some french for yo' ass!) . This summer was probably the most eventful and characterizing summers i've ever had. Alot of it came out of change, which smells surprisingly good--- (see bottom for rest)
Here are a few sketchbook pages from my time in Montreal, among the number of awesome things that Montreal had to offer was great food (in particular sandwiches) and attractive people in transit...and attractive people in non-transit. I've come to the conclusion that the government is putting something in Montreal's water, cause the people there are 'ridonculously' good looking.

I participated in 'Art in the Park', which was great, i sold paintings and met many fellows artisans native to Le Ottawa. It really set the tone and motivation level for the summer, and i was lucky to have my family backing me and along for the ride, with a guest appearance by everyones favorite Jermaine Jerome Jackson* (Hannam*).

Numero 2 on the list of big changes, we moved! We bought a new home, which is a great place, im really excited to see how Christmas is going to go down in the new place. Right after that was said and done, i was shipped off to Montreal. I can't say enough good things about Montreal, working there was a great experience. I was working at Genesis Knowledgestreams , a knowledge governance company where i pretty much got an insight on to what goes on in the 'corporate world', my bosses basically took me behind the curtain and showed me the comings and goings of the corporate menage, which was really cool, i got to meet with some of their bigger clients (a la Air Canada, IATA, Diagnos) and got the scoop on a lot of up big things that will "rock" the corporate world. One of the things i was fortunate to be able to work heavily one of said projects. Overall, i couldnt have asked for better bosses and a better summer job.


JuanCarlos said...

Wow Man, im soooo impressed!!!!! amazing!


Anonymous said...

really great, i'm so impressed. but i told you that. i think your work is looking real honest... i can't wait to see more.