Wednesday, September 19, 2007

It's Darkest before Dawn...

Moderately happy with how this turned out. I think i'll go back into it and fix up a few areas, later.

The first piece is the final for our OVERheard/UNDERstood project. Still riding off the wave of motivation from summer (working on large canvas' and starting a lot of little personal pieces) i've been inclined to paint and work on alot more pieces this year; a few of us are hoping to get enough pieces together so that we can have a group show in a gallery by the end of this year, or next year ----all the while, an Artist Collective project is being put together (so aptly titled by a Mr. Gregory Dubeau) , while another group project is wrapping itself up (created by the voraciously motivational Juan Solon Carlos, most of the pieces are up here). We all seem to be feeding off each looks like this year should be a good year. Let's go to work.


JuanCarlos said...

I don't deserve to workout in the same machines or benches as you!!

Greg Dubeau said...

I love roughs and journal work, especially yours! And this is quite a hefty post. And I got a shout out! It's like Illustration Christmas!

Yuta Onoda said...

cutie nim nim!!i love how you treat the rabits!sick

Greg Dubeau said...

Word on the street is that you have been secretly painting like a madman. What say you?

Nimit Malavia said...

who told you?! *glares*
well if the word on the street is coming from a half Finnish wonder, than that would be correct...or is it D:! ! !