Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Since about the beginning of break I've been working on a lot of personal work, trying to put together a series of 5 pieces. The theme through out the 5 pieces is the idea of the "Dark Passenger", the burden of ones desires vs. their own sense of self and about the exploration of the shadow self, as well my own personal archetypes. Its a concept that was semi inspired by the show Dexter (fantastic series by the way). This is the first piece that I've finished for the series, this piece was alot of fun to work on, i had to do a lot of back and forth with this one, but by no means was it.... unBEAR-able!...i know, im the worst. The title for this piece is "Guardian", hope everyone diggs it.
10" x 13", mixed media on paper


Anonymous said...

dopeness factor kicking in.... THERE IT IS.

Juan Carlos Solon said...

Nimit!! This is bananas I love it!!!
The boom Kak factor in this is incredible!!

Yuta Onoda said...

yey!!its really exciting to see your first piece!!4 more to come soon eh?nice work!!i love it!!

Rachelle Letain said...

I love the plushiness of your bears.
They stealz my heart.

Lovely, as always.


Britt said...

the type is so kickass! well the entire thing is, but that's my favourite part!